Thursday, January 14, 2010

Flossing Teeth When Did You Start Flossing Your Child's Teeth?

When did you start flossing your child's teeth? - flossing teeth

My daughter is only 16 months. She gets the food in the teeth sometimes substantive, so I use flossers "plastic" it out. I wondered if I floss my teeth. Thank you!


William(Hotz Sizzle 585 said...

It can begin when it did eighth teething sure not as difficult as your dental floss

momof3bo... said...

When we get to the food between the teeth and is aware, a good sign that it is time to start flossing. My children have widely spaced teeth, so that when dental floss is not necessary, but about 3 years, which began the concept and flossing, is necessary because food has been caught in the middle. I know that my 5-year-old has two teeth in the back, just take enough food and it is the only area where the dentist told me that I should really do that you floss.

momof3bo... said...

When we get to the food between the teeth and is aware, a good sign that it is time to start flossing. My children have widely spaced teeth, so that when dental floss is not necessary, but about 3 years, which began the concept and flossing, is necessary because food has been caught in the middle. I know that my 5-year-old has two teeth in the back, just take enough food and it is the only area where the dentist told me that I should really do that you floss.

Paislee due 4/1 said...

If it is food on the teeth, flossing, I take care of food, but not to floss daily. Wait until she is old enough to understand instructions and to teach him to brush and floss can be a good oral hygiene in the teeth of your baby in practice, and prepared in this way, ensure the adult upon entry

dmg said...

Wow, I do not know how he could go. It is only recently that we have learned so much that a good brushing is not a great battle. My son has large gaps between the teeth, so you do not really food still stuck there.

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