Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hpv Symptoms What Is HPV Virus & Symptoms?Can Male Also Infected From It?From Regular Comprehensive Blood Test Can You Tell?

What is HPV virus & symptoms?Can male also infected from it?From regular comprehensive blood test can you tell? - hpv symptoms

What is the HPV virus and syptoms? Can it also infected male? Normally comprehansive blood test can tell?


Marielle said...

Ken & Lilly have good information, but not everything is correct. As a nurse epidemiologist for 30 years in retirement, I suggest you read a lot of information on and there are other things for which we are about.
There are over 100 types of HPV (human papillary), of which 4 are connected to suffer from cervical cancer. Signs and symptoms vary, as well as the different types. Different colors, appearance and size. If people can also become infected.
Your question: complete "Normally, the blood test can tell?" Every doctor is asked to be different from the laboratory and the laboratory already adapted for this doctor. So what do you want a doctor to take a step back. You should ask your doctor "What do you to test my blood? There are blood tests for the detection of cancer. Example, ovarian cancer would be a "CA125".
Tell your doctor what bothers is that you and help you. Good luck

Marielle said...

Ken & Lilly have good information, but not everything is correct. As a nurse epidemiologist for 30 years in retirement, I suggest you read a lot of information on and there are other things for which we are about.
There are over 100 types of HPV (human papillary), of which 4 are connected to suffer from cervical cancer. Signs and symptoms vary, as well as the different types. Different colors, appearance and size. If people can also become infected.
Your question: complete "Normally, the blood test can tell?" Every doctor is asked to be different from the laboratory and the laboratory already adapted for this doctor. So what do you want a doctor to take a step back. You should ask your doctor "What do you to test my blood? There are blood tests for the detection of cancer. Example, ovarian cancer would be a "CA125".
Tell your doctor what bothers is that you and help you. Good luck

Ken_A said...

Only women can be tested and / or against HPV vaccination.
There are many different types of HPV.
It is very common and can be transmitted even when condoms during sex.
It can also be transmitted by oral sex, and can lead to throat cancer.
Some changes were minor or no symptoms, while others can cause genital warts.
) The vaccine (for women to prevent HPV and the development of symptoms and outcome, including cancer (if you have a mild form of HPV) and prevent the acquisition of other HPV types.
If you are a man, I do not know if you have it, the only way to confirm it, your partner can then test themselves.
HPV is an incurable disease permanently. Prevention is the best way to prevent HPV.

Ken_A said...

Only women can be tested and / or against HPV vaccination.
There are many different types of HPV.
It is very common and can be transmitted even when condoms during sex.
It can also be transmitted by oral sex, and can lead to throat cancer.
Some changes were minor or no symptoms, while others can cause genital warts.
) The vaccine (for women to prevent HPV and the development of symptoms and outcome, including cancer (if you have a mild form of HPV) and prevent the acquisition of other HPV types.
If you are a man, I do not know if you have it, the only way to confirm it, your partner can then test themselves.
HPV is an incurable disease permanently. Prevention is the best way to prevent HPV.

Lily L said...

Most people with HPV have no symptoms, but if symptoms, including warts and itching and discoloration of the skin.

There is a way to avoid the presence of antibodies against HPV test in the blood, but this test is made solely on clinical trials of vaccines against HPV. When did the doctor orders blood tests conprehensive, HPV. In fact, if you ask your doctor for a blood test for HPV, your doctor will probably tell you that there is no evidence that it exists.

There's really no way to reliably determine that any person who is HPV-free.

And there is no blood test whether you can have cancer.

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